Thursday 11 June 2015

Thursday Quotables: City of Ashes (The Mortal Instruments #2) by Cassandra Clare

Welcome back to Thursday Quotables! This weekly feature is the place to highlight a great quote, line, or passage discovered during your reading each week.  Whether it’s something funny, startling, gut-wrenching, or just really beautifully written, Thursday Quotables is where my favorite lines of the week will be, and you’re invited to join in!
My choice for Thursday Quotables is City of Ashes, the second book in The Mortal Instruments, by Cassandra Clare. I know I quoted City of Bones only two weeks ago, but there is simply so many fantastic quotes in Cassie's books, so here are some of my favorite quotes from City of Ashes:
As usual, tons of sarcasm, this time from Jace.
This is one of my favorite quotes ever. It's so sweet, and I really agree with Clary on this one.
And this is just hilarious. You only find conversations like this in something written by Cassandra Clare. As usual, her books invite you to cry, laugh, yell and have regular fangirl attacks (just wait until I start re-reading City of Glass. That's what I call an emotional roller-coaster).
So, what quotes made you cry or laugh this week? Did you love the quotes as much as I did, or do you have other favorites from City of Ashes, or from Another book? Your comments always make me smile, so comment away!


  1. Great quotes! It sounds like quite an amusing book :D
    Have a great day,
    Amy x

    1. Thanks! It is, you should read it :)

  2. Awesome! I read this a while ago, and I'd forgotten how funny some of the lines are. Magnus is the best!

    1. Some of the lines are indeed very funny, and I agree, Magnus is great!

  3. I like the way it's written! The last quote is so funny. Great choices!

    Aeriko @
