Sunday 4 June 2017

New Blog Name: The Reading Faery

Hi guys! So, I'm changing my blog name. It's something I've thought about doing for a while now, I just wasn't happy with my old one. I think Bookshelf Adventures just sounds boring, I wanted something a bit more interesting-sounding, and I've been thinking for weeks about a possible blog name that is both unique, fitting, and not too long. Then when I read ACOWAR last week - and don't ask me how - I finally figured it out! Or, rather, I got an idea, and then for the last week, I've been playing with it, trying different things, and finally settled with The Reading Faery.

The reason for this change is because I haven't been happy with my old name. Bookshelf Adventures is boring and unoriginal, and I picked it a while ago, and it didn't take long for me to grow tired of it. It just wasn't all that well-thought out, and, let's be honest, it doesn't exactly catch your attention. This time around, I've really thought about the name, I've done the new design (which is a lot the same, because I'm really happy with my design), and I think the name looks great with it and it feels a lot more me.

So where does this new name come from? Well, I thought about it a lot, and I wanted something different, and when I read ACOWAR, obviously, I thought a lot about the fey. See, I love reading about the fey, it's by far my favourite mythological creature, I think they're really interesting and basically, I just love the fey. So I decided I wanted to have a blog name that somehow used the word fey/faery. Then, I needed something to convey that this is a book blog, and tried several different things, like "reading" and "book-obsessed". So I tried writing down my alternatives, and "The Book-Obsessed Faery" just looked weird, and it was too long, so I narrowed it down to two different alternatives; "The Reading Fey" and "The Reading Faery". I was pretty happy with both of the names, so I did some research. I googled around to see if I could find any blogs using the words "fey" or "faery", and I found a few that used "fey", but none that had the word "faery" in the title, and so I decided on The Reading Faery.

If you're still reading (thank you for that, and sorry for the long, boring post), my new web address will be I will probably change it sometime in June, to make sure no one misses it and then can't find my blog. The content will still be the same, but I think it will be a lot more fun to blog when I'm actually happy with my blog.

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