Thursday 21 September 2017

Fantasy Book Recommendations

Recently, I've found a lot of new amazing books that I haven't really seen around much, so I decided to make a post featuring them. That way, I can give these amazing books more attention and at the same time hopefully help you guys find a new great read.

Monday 18 September 2017

Miserable Mondays: The Raven King (The Raven Cycle #4) by Maggie Stiefvater

Welcome to Miserable Mondays, a tag hosted by Willa, @paper.seas over on Instagram. Since I suck at keeping up with tags over there, I thought I'd try and do it here instead. You can join in too through the tag #miserablebookmondays!

Miserable Mondays is all about sharing a book that made you cry. I seriously love this idea, because I very easily get emotional when I read (I'm a sensitive person, okay?), and this way, I get to talk about them. So without further ado, let's talk about my choice for the week, The Raven King by Maggie Stiefvater.

Friday 15 September 2017

Writing Diary Part 2: Planning Your Book

Here's the second part of my Writing Diary, where I will give you tips from my writing experience about what works and doesn't work for me. Keep in mind that this by no means is how you should do it; this is the first time I've written a whole book and I'm sure I've made tons of mistakes along the way. This is just one way to do it.

Wednesday 13 September 2017

Review: The Dragons of Nova (The Loom Saga #2) by Elise Kova

Title: The Dragons of Nova
Series: The Loom Saga #2
Author: Elise Kova
My rating: 5 hearts
Genre: Fantasy, Romance, with YA crossover appeal
Pub. date: July 11th
Publisher: Keymaster Press
SynopsisCvareh returns home to his sky world of Nova with the genius crafter Arianna as his temperamental guest. The mercurial inventor possesses all the Xin family needs to turn the tides of a centuries-old power struggle, but the secrets she harbors must be earned with trust -- hard to come by for Ari, especially when it comes to Dragons. On Nova, Ari finds herself closer to exacting vengeance against the traitor who killed everything -- and everyone – she once loved. But before Ari can complete her campaign of revenge, the Crimson Court exposes her shadowed past and reveals something even more dangerous sparking between her and Cvareh.

While Nova is embroiled in blood sport and political games, the rebels on Loom prepare for an all-out assault on their Dragon oppressors. Florence unexpectedly finds herself at the forefront of change, as her unique blend of skills -- and quick-shooting accuracy -- makes her a force to be reckoned with. For the future of her world, she vows vengeance against the Dragons.
Before the rebellion can rise, though, the Guilds must fall. (synopsis from Goodreads)

Monday 11 September 2017

ARC Review: Mask of Shadows by Linsey Miller

*I received an ARC from the publisher in exchange for review consideration. This does not in any way affect my opinion, and all thoughts expressed in this review are unbiased and my own.*

Title: Mask of Shadows
Series: Untitled
Author: Linsey Miller
My rating: 5 hearts
Genre: Young Adult, Fantasy, Romance
Pub. date: August 29th, 2017
Publisher: Sourcebooks Fire
SynopsisSallot Leon is a thief, and a good one at that. But gender fluid Sal wants nothing more than to escape the drudgery of life as a highway robber and get closer to the upper-class and the nobles who destroyed their home. 

When Sal Leon steals a poster announcing open auditions for the Left Hand, a powerful collection of the Queen's personal assassins named for the rings she wears -- Ruby, Emerald, Amethyst, and Opal -- their world changes. They know it's a chance for a new life.

Except the audition is a fight to the death filled with clever circus acrobats, lethal apothecaries, and vicious ex-soldiers. A childhood as a common criminal hardly prepared Sal for the trials. But Sal must survive to put their real reason for auditioning into play: revenge. (synopsis from Goodreads)

Friday 8 September 2017

Blogger of the Month: Nuša from Whispers of Thoughts

This month, I'm featuring the wonderful Nuša from Whispers of Thoughts. I found her blog through Instagram, where I started following her (she takes the most beautiful photos), and fell in love with her blog, as well. She's super sweet and I love reading her posts, be them on Instagram or her blog. Keep reading for my interview with her, as well as her links!