Friday 8 September 2017

Blogger of the Month: Nuša from Whispers of Thoughts

This month, I'm featuring the wonderful Nuša from Whispers of Thoughts. I found her blog through Instagram, where I started following her (she takes the most beautiful photos), and fell in love with her blog, as well. She's super sweet and I love reading her posts, be them on Instagram or her blog. Keep reading for my interview with her, as well as her links!

What do you like to do apart from reading? What things can you not live without? 
I looove horse riding. I've been riding ever since I can remember. I have two horses of my own and they're probably one of the things I can't live without. I also have a puppy, who is honestly possessed by a demon, but I love her so I can't live without her too.

What is a book/series that you would recommend everyone to read? 
I will always and forever recommend everything my goddess Laini Taylor writes. (Though I haven't read her most recent one, Strange the Dreamer yet. I'm planning to that soon though!) I'm also a huge Sarah J. Maas trash but I know her books are controversial so I don't really feel like I should recommend them... But! They, especially A Court of Mist and Fury, got me through, exuse the languge, some real horrible shite and I can't begin to explain how grateful I am to Sarah for creating this world (and Cassian;)).

What are your go-to authors when you want something you just know you're going to love? Whose books you automatically add to your TBR without even reading the synopsis? Why? 
Again going with Sarah J. Maas. Athough as I said before her books are problematic, she has this power that makes me want to buy all of her books in all of the different editions (which I never do with ther because I'm broke haha). Also, I always need to know what will happen to my precious babies and OTPs. :D I also automatically add every single Kasie West book to my TBR without even looking at synopsis - I dunno why, her books arent even my favorite, but they are always so fun and light and easy to read I just automatocally do it.
How do you pick which book to read next? 
I can never stick to TBR lists I make. Never. Though my friend and I decided we'll buddy read some books as soon as possible  - does that count as a TBR list? Anyways, we picked the books that have been on our unread shelf for far too long and that we just need to finally read. But other than that I normally pick up a book I'm in the mood for in the exact moment I decide I want to start reading something.

What made you want to start blogging? 
Actually this whole thing was my sister's idea. She was the one who started this and I just tagged along. But I think she has the same reason as I do of why she wanted this - we just love to review things, whether they're movies, TV shows, books, even food. :'D

What was the hardest part of starting your blog? What is the hardest part of blogging right now? 
Socializing. I'm the worst at it. I used to think about what to comment on someone's post for about 20 minutes before I gave up. And I hated myself for it, that my stupid social anxiety doesn't even let me write simple comments. Nothing's changed, to be honest. Right now, the hardest part of blogging for me is simply blogging. I have abandoned my blog and write only about one post per month when I used to write a review for every single book I read. Then again, I've been a reading slump these past two months so there's no book for me to review really.

What is your favourite part about blogging? 
Expressing my feelings. I'm that type of girl who's really shy and doesn't talk much in person. But when I'm blogging, specifically writing a review, I can just write whatever I want. And no one can really judge me bcause it's my opinion. And I love it. Plus, adding GIF images to represent my emotions/thoughts on something is always freaking fun to do.

What is your favourite kind of post? Why? 
I usually love reading reviews. Even if the blogger's rating is differrent than mine, I still like to check what they thought of it. Everyone has their own opinion and we should all respect that. I also like to read these reviews in case I missed something (which I often do, not gonna lie).

Name some bloggers you'd love to meet in person! 
My favorite will always and forever be Maya from @Fire-Breathing Book Dragon ( We've been friends for almost a year now and I love her dearly. <3

Describe your bookshelf! 
It's a mess at the moment. I'm also a bookstagrammer so I pick books from my bookshelf almost every day and I'm always too lazy to put them back where they were. The organisation is random but bookish inspired candles, stickers, lip balms, parfumes and bookmarks do make it look more pretty and interesting.

What is your favourite quote? What do you love about it? 
I have many and ''happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light'' from the Harry Potter series is definitely one of them. I love it because as I said, I've been through some stuff this past year and yet I still could smile at the end. I'm also I-want-to-get-this-tattooed-on-my-body obsessed with ''the world will be saved and remade by the dreamers'' from the Throne of Glass series. Because the world right now is a horrible place to live in and that quote just gives me hope that things will change someday.

What advice would you give to someone who's just starting their blog? 
Don't be like me and don't give up on it after you worked so hard on it. Seriously. You'll regret it. I know I do. 

Thank you so much for answering my questions, Nuša!

Um, hi! I'm Nuša and I'm 17 years young. When I'm not bugging my cats to cooperate in book photshoots, taking 'Which Lion King Character Are You' quizzes (I'm Nala btw) and being my sarcastic self, you can catch me reading a book or two.


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