Thursday 23 November 2017

Guest Post: Books To Brings Out Your Inner Badass by Ryley

Today, I'm sharing the guest post that Ryley (Queen of the Books) wrote as part of her being my Blogger of the Month. I read this post and absolutely loved it, it's an awesome post with some great recommendations (some I need to get to reading myself), so definitely keep on reading for this awesomeness! Also, follow this link to read my interview with her. And finally, thank you so much to Ryley for hanging out here at my blog this month, it's been so exciting and you all really need to check out her blog, because it's awesome!

Hey hey hey!!! If you know anything about me then you know I absolutely love books with empowering, badass women (especially if they are assassins). In fact looking at my shelves you might have the need to ask me if I am secretly a spy plotting something evil. Although I would love to be a spy, I read these books purely because they inspire me so much and give me so much confidence.
Here are a few I recommend for when you need that little bit extra sass:

Throne of Glass [Sarah J Maas]

Did you expect me to say anything else? Celaena Sardothien is the ultimate sass queen. I got into reading because I knew she was going to be badass and a great role model. I do get that murdering people isn’t a great start to being a role model, but her confidence in herself is what really empowered me.

Six of Crows [Leigh Bardugo]

Inej is the one and only in this book. In fact, I would read a whole book series based on Inej. Throughout the Six of Crows duology she continues to stand up for her beliefs and fails to be swayed on her decisions.

First Command [Alex Lidell]

This book series is rather new and isn’t very popular but I highly recommend it, especially if you love books with ships (not otp ships actual boats) plus there is magic, which is always a bonus. Nile, the main character, is in charge of a boat and surrounded by males. Her only option is to be confidence and work her hardest to prove herself.

Nevernight [Jay Kristoff]

Who could ever match Mia’s hardworking attitude. If she wants to win, she will work nonstop to train and outdo the others. I’m still yet to read Godsgrave but I am sure she would remain to be the same sassy assassin as always.

Snow like Ashes [Sara Raasch]

I can only go based of the first novel of this trilogy, but Meira is an incredible person. She is trying her best to win back her country and will stop at nothing to get what she wants. Out of all these recommendations, I think Meria is the purest person. Throughout the story she inspires many and overcomes so many tough trials.
What are some of your favourite inspirational characters?
Until next time,


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