Wednesday 10 January 2018

Best Reads of 2017

This is always the most difficult post of the year, because there are always so many great books I’ve loved that I think need to get attention! Which is why I now have more categories than ever – to be able to tell you all about all the books I’ve loved this year!

Now, to start off, I’ve picked the book that most surprised me with how obsessed I was with it. And I’m going to start off by telling you that it was written by one of my favourite authors, but it isn’t the kind of book I usually read. So while I expected a good read, I didn’t expect to love it as much as I did. But when I started thinking about favourite reads of the year, this book was one of the first books that came to mind, and I knew I had to include it in this post. So, without further ado, the book I’ve chosen for this category is The Animal Under the Fur by E.J. Mellow! As usual, the writing was absolutely amazing and electric, making the characters pop from the page and making it impossible to put away. Suspenseful, intense and with just the perfect amount of romance – and with plot twists that will leave the reader breathless.

For the second category is favourite debut. This one was seriously hard to pick, because there has been a lot of great new authors – and especially two that I remember and absolutely loved. So, at the end, I was deciding between S. Jae-Jones, author of Wintersong, and Stephanie Garber, author of Caraval. And finally, after a lot of back and forth, I picked Stephanie Garber. Caraval was magical and mysterious, and I loved every moment of reading it! It was entirely unforgettable, and I’m so excited to read the sequel!

The next category is contemporary, and this was one of the easiest categories to pick, because I knew from the beginning which one was my favourite. While there has been lots of great contemporary reads this year, there is one that stood out, one that I keep coming back to and thinking about. Which isn’t a surprise, because the author is absolutely incredible and her books always stay with you. So, which book could I pick if not Long Way Home by Katie McGarry? Violet is seriously awesome, I’m so in love with Chevy it’s not even funny, and I’ve shipped them since book one. And their story was just as amazing as I’d expected it to be! Since McGarry is my favourite contemporary author, this one was the obvious choice.

Since I have started reading more New Adult books this year, I had to include those books. So this category is New Adult. This one was more difficult to pick, because I’ve read so many great New Adult books this year, and I’ve gotten to try new subgenres as well, and have found some new favourites. Now, the book I’ve picked is a contemporary romance that I’ve already reread a few times (I couldn’t help myself). It was amazing and I absolutely adored the characters. It was such a sweet story that really touched my heart, and it’s one of those stories that just digs in deep and forces you to hold on to it. So, the book I’ve chosen is Rome by Jay Crownover. I am so grateful this year has introduced me to amazing authors like Crownover, because I have become absolutely obsessed with her writing, which is absolutely magnetic. And this book was just incredible.

And now for the last category, of course I couldn’t skip fantasy. After all, fantasy is still my favourite genre, which also makes it the most difficult category to pick, since I read so many fantasy novels in a year. This year has been such a wonderful year, filled with so many great reads, and this category was really hard to pick. The book I picked is one I read just at the end of the year, by another one of my favourite authors. I really loved the world-building in this book, the plot was really unique, and of course, it was about fae, and I love the fae, so I was bound to love this story. And I also loved the twist. So, my favourite fantasy book of the year is Wicked by Jennifer L. Armentrout. Ivy was just so freaking fun and badass, and Ren… oh my god, I so wish that guy was real. And the fantasy was incredible!

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