Friday 16 February 2018

Blogger of the Month: Taylor from Plentiful Pages

Hey guys! I'm so excited to announce the Blogger of the Month for February, who is Taylor from Plentiful Pages! I first met Taylor through Instagram (which you should totally check out, because it's beautiful), and found her blog through there, and I really love reading her reviews. Not to mention, she's super sweet and her blog is gorgeous. Keep reading for my interview with her and all the links!

What book got you into reading as a habit?  What about it made you want to continue reading?
I've been reading for a very long time, but the first books I remember really getting me into reading were Junie B. Jones and the Pixie Hollow chapter books! They were really addicting to me and had characters that I really connected to which is why I loved them so much.

What do you like to do apart from reading? 
I really enjoy blogging and photography! Combining all these hobbies through a book blog and Bookstagram is so perfect to me and I wouldn't trade it for anything.

What things can you not live without?
Books. That's kind of a stereotypical answer for a book blogger, but it's true! Books are my escape and I honestly don't know what I would do without them. I don't travel either so books are my cheap version of travelling to other places aha.

What is a book/series that you would recommend everyone to read? (I know this is a tough one to pick, so feel free to pick a few!)
The Throne of Glass and A Court of Thorns and Roses series are my absolute favourite ever. I have a slight obsession; her books and characters are so amazing to me!

What are your go-to authors when you want something you just know you're going to love? 
Sarah J. Maas. I've given every single one of her books 5/5 stars; it can't get better than that!

Whose books you automatically add to your TBR without even reading the synopsis? Why?
I don't really have an author whose books I do this for, but I have a more general answer! If I enjoy the first book in a series I don't bother reading the synopsis, I just add the book to my TBR!

How do you pick which book to read next?
When I have ARCs I just read whatever ARC is being published next. When I don't have ARCs to read I just choose something based on my mood.

What made you want to start blogging?
I wanted somewhere other than Bookstagram and Goodreads to post more in-depth book reviews and I had seen some BookTubers who had a blog which inspired me to join the book blogging community!

What was the hardest part of starting your blog? 
Not getting discouraged. The book blogging community is less vast than the Bookstagram community which makes it a lot harder to get likes and followers. When I first started out I used to get really discouraged when the blog posts I spent hours on would get hardly any views and my follower count hardly went up. I've now realized that the dynamic in the book blogging community is different than on Bookstagram and that it takes a lot more time to build up a blog.

What is the hardest part of blogging right now?
Finding time to blog. I am really busy with school and work so it's been hard to find the time that I need to blog. Blog posts take a lot of time to put together and I want to take my time with them. Starting in 2018 I had to cut back to one post a week because I want to be able to do my best with the time I have and put out quality content.

What is your favourite part about blogging?
The community. I love posting book reviews, wrap ups, etc. and seeing the comments that I get from others based on the post! I adore interacting with other book lovers!

What is your favourite kind of post? Why?
I really love book reviews because it opens up the discussion for others to comment on the post and let me know their thoughts on the book that I read and reviewed! I love seeing people's differing opinions on things, it's so interesting seeing what others like and do not like about books!

Name some bloggers you'd love to meet in person!
I'd love to have a blogger meetup with some Canadian bloggers because I feel like there's not enough of us and it'd be cool to scheme a way for Canadian book bloggers to rise haha.

What is your favourite quote? What do you love about it?
"Don't let the hard days win." It's just really inspirational and motivating to me and has stuck with me for a very long time.

What advice would you give to someone who's just starting their blog?
Make sure you're up for the work. It takes a lot of time and effort to maintain and grow a blog. You have to be passionate about it and willing to put the work in.

Thank you so much for answering my questions!

I’m Taylor, and I’m here to share my thoughts on books! To put it simply, I love books. You can always find me with a book in hand!
On this blog, you’ll fun things like book reviews, recommendations, book tags, tips/tricks, wrap-ups, TBRs, and so much more!
I love to read, and 99% of the books I read are Young Adult! The genre I read the most of is Fantasy, but I am starting to read more Contemporary! I am a dedicated bookworm and fangirl.
I love reviewing books, talking about books, and even taking photos of books! I have other social media accounts dedicated to books, which you can find the links to on my account, or below!

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