Thursday 22 February 2018

Guest Post: Popular Books/Series That I Haven't Read by Taylor

I have a book buying problem. There, I said it. My TBR is out of control, want proof? I literally have over 100 unread books on my shelf. OOPS. With all those TBR books, it's inevitable for me to have a lot of unread books that are very popular in this bookish online community, and for that, I am ashamed (I mean, don't get me wrong, I am ashamed to have so many unread books in the first place, but I'm even more ashamed that so many of them are loved by so many). Today I'm going to be sharing with you a list of some books that I feel are popular in the bookish community and a little bit of my thoughts about them.
  • The Mortal Instruments series by Cassandra Clare. I bought this series about two years ago (I think? I remember featuring it very early on in my Bookstagram so I feel like that's a good estimate). I've been wanting to read it forever because of how everyone raves about it, but I haven't read it yet because I put it off after making the decision to want to read The Infernal Devices series first.
  • The Infernal Devices by Cassandra Clare. Continuing with my last point, I bought this series (and put off reading The Mortal Instruments) because I wanted to read this first...and I still haven't read it. I really want to get to it this year when I'm all caught up on my ARCs. Also, fun fact, I own all of Cassandra Clare's books (including the Shadowhunter's codex) yet I haven't read any of them. *nervous laughter*
  • Caraval by Stephanie Garber. This book was suuuuuuper popular when it first came out; the hype has kind of died down since then, but with the release of the second book on the horizon I've been seeing this book a lot more. I only bought this one a few months ago so it hasn't been on my TBR for too long, but I still want to get to it soon and see what all of this hype is about!
  • The Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer. I have heard sooooo many good things about this series and I honestly do not know why I still haven't read it. It's been on my TBR for years as well and keeps intriguing me because of the fact that all of the books are retellings!
  • Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi. Oh look, another series that's been on my TBR for years. I have them all signed because I bought them like that around Christmas like forever ago which would be cool; if only I had them read...oops (side note: I feel like this whole list is a big OOPS). With Restore Me coming out soon I feel like I've seen this series around a lot more.
  • Twilight by Stephanie Meyer. Yep, I still haven't read these books. Yep, I actually do want to read them. I feel like a lot of people trash these books, but for some people they're a guilty pleasure read which is what I feel they'd be for me. 
So that's just a fraction of the popular series/books that I've not read but have on my TBR. Yeah, I feel really guilty after this post, but what're you going to do *shrug.* I'm working on it, OOPS will be no longer (soon...).

What books do you think I should read sooner than later? Are there any books/series that we share the TBR shame for?

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