Sunday 29 April 2018

Blog Tour + Q&A: Unbreakable (Unblemished #3) by Sara Ella

Hey guys! I'm so excited to share the Blog Tour for Unbreakable with you guys today! Unbreakable is the third and final book in the Unblemished series by Sara Ella, a young adult fantasy series. I have so many exciting things to share with you guys today, so keep reading for more info on the book, my Q&A with the author, and a great giveaway! And check out the rest of the tour here.

Title: Unbreakable
Series: Unblemished #3
Author: Sara Ella
Genre: Young Adult, Fantasy
Pub. date: May 1st 2018
Publisher: Thomas Nelson
SynopsisEliyana Ember is stranded in a foreign country in the Third Reflection with no passport, the inability to mirrorwalk, and zero clue where the nearest Thresholds back into the Fourth or Second might lie. Her mind is a haze, her memories vague. She knows a wormhole from the Fourth sent her here. She remembers her mom and baby brother Evan. Makai and Stormy and Joshua . . .
Deep down El realizes she must end the Void once and for all. Is there a way to trap the darkness within its current vessel, kill it off completely? To do so would mean sacrificing another soul—the soul of a man Joshua claims is a traitor. But he’s lied to her before, and even El senses Joshua can’t be fully trusted, but one thing is certain . . .
The Void must be annihilated. And only the Verity—the light which birthed the darkness—can put an end to that which seeks to kill and destroy.
Book links:

Could you describe yourself in five words or less?
Fairy-tale loving, coffee mom.

What are your favorite scenes to write (action, romantic, dialogue or anything else)?
I love romance scenes with lots of tension and I love dialogue. Action is harder for me to write. I’m more of an internal monologue type of girl.

What's something aspiring authors should absolutely avoid?
Don’t be too hard on yourself. Even published authors face rejection. Take everything with a grain of salt and surround yourself with positive authors and readers. We all need constructive criticism, but avoid critique partners who only criticize and never take time to build you up.

How important are covers for you as an author?
Extremely. I give a lot of input on what I do and DO NOT want on my covers. We all say not to judge a book by its cover, but let’s face it . . . we all do it. It’s important to me to have covers that represent the book as a whole.

What was the hardest thing in writing Unbreakable?
All of it. I’m not even kidding. This book came during a difficult time in my life. To say it was a “labor of love” would be downplaying it (and I think my editor can attest to that). Wrapping up a series is hard work because I wanted readers to be satisfied, but also knew remaining true to the story and characters could end up disappointing some reader expectations. In the end, it was a race to the finish line. I still look back and think of things I could have changed or left out or included. But, overall, I think it turned out okay.

What's your favorite thing about Unbreakable?
El’s growth. I really loved seeing how far she came since the first page of book one. Also, there’s Ebony. I love that girl.

About the author
Once upon a time, SARA ELLA dreamed she would marry a prince (just call her Mrs. Charming) and live in a castle (aka The Plaza Hotel). Though her fairy tale didn’t quite turn out as planned, she did work for Disney—that was an enchanted moment of its own. Now she spends her days throwing living room dance parties for her two princesses and conquering realms of her own imaginings. She believes “Happily Ever After is Never Far Away” for those who put their faith in the King of kings.

Author links:
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