Thursday 12 April 2018

Blog Tour: The Rules of Rebellion by Amity Hope

I'm so excited to share the Blog Tour for The Rules of Rebellion with you all today! The Rules of Rebellion is a new Contemporary Romance by Amity Hope. It's a really sweet, fun read, and perfect for fans of romance. Keep reading for my review of the book, some teasers, an excerpt, and a giveaway!

*Disclaimer: I received an Advance Reader's Copy from the publisher in exchange for review consideration. This does in no way affect my opinion, and all thoughts expressed in this review are unbiased and my own.*

Title: The Rules of Rebellion
Author: Amity Hope
My rating: 4 hearts
Genre: Young Adult, Contemporary, Romance
Pub. date: April 2nd 2018
Publisher: Entangled Crush
Synopsis: 1. Skinny dip (her idea)
2. Stargaze (his idea)
3. Prank someone (her idea)
4. Go on a date (his idea)

Leo Zimmerman has had a crush on his curvy friend Kylie Jenkins since forever, so when he discovers the girl with a flair for candy making has a newfound plan to rebel against her overbearing parents, he’s determined to be the one to help her carry it out. Who better than himself to show her the ropes of letting loose?

Sure, taking her to her first high school party, helping her sneak out of the house, or watching a sunset together isn’t exactly a hardship, but much harder is masking his feelings the more time they spend together. And when he suggests adding “a first date” to Kylie’s plan and she accepts…suddenly all his dreams seem to be coming true.

But Leo’s got a secret that could change everything between them, and it’s only a matter of time before it comes to the surface. (synopsis from Goodreads)

Buylinks: Entangled Publishing

I really liked this book. It was exactly what I expected it to be; sweet, romantic and light. I liked the characters, they were interesting to read about, and the romance was really sweet. And I loved the character development that happened through the book. But my favourite thing about it was that even though it was a light and fun read, it also dealt with more serious issues, which I think added depth to the plot and the story overall.

I really liked Kylie and Leo.

Kylie is the classic “good girl”, and lives a pretty unexciting life, but one day, she decides that she wants to try more exciting things. So she writes a list. I actually found Kylie very relatable, and she was fun to read about. And I loved to see how she grew through the book. And Leo is great. He has a lot of pressure from home, but he doesn’t want the things his parents want for him. He also grew a lot through the book, made mistakes but also learned from them, which is the most important thing.

The romance was really sweet.

I have to say I really like Kylie and Leo as a couple. Although it’s a bit cliché, I like characters who become friends before they fall in love. Kylie and Leo know each other really well, but as they grew closer and closer, they learned even more about each other, and saw different sides of each other. And it’s easy to tell that they really just enjoy being around each other. The only problem was that the romantic tension didn’t really feel believable to me.

I loved the way the author dealt with the more serious issues.

Kylie’s older sister was bullied in high school, and it was really bad. Without saying too much, I will say that it has a part in the story. Now, as someone who’s been bullied, this is something I care a lot about, so it’s important for me that it’s portrayed properly in books. And it is. Even though the main character isn’t the one being bullied, it shows just how big the consequences can be, and it shows how serious the issue is. It doesn’t sugar-coat anything.

The writing was great.

It really fit the story, and made the narrative feel relatable and realistic. It really felt like being inside a 17-yearolds head, which really is just what you’re looking for when you pick up a book. The writing was light, and fun, and easy to follow, which fit this book perfectly.

The Rules of Rebellion is a great book, and a definite must-read if you’re looking for a light and fun read. The only reason it didn’t get a higher rating is because it lacked that something extra that made me get really invested, but I still loved reading it. It’s a great romantic read, and I would definitely recommend it to anyone looking for a sweet contemporary. 

Her dimples popped into place, her smile so bright it about knocked me senseless. She bounced a bit on her tiptoes, and for one hopeful second I thought she’d maybe hug me. Unfortunately, she reined in her enthusiasm.
“That’s the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me,” she said. “I’ve got to run. My sister is probably pacing in front of my car by now. See you later.”
She scurried off, and I was disappointed the conversation had ended so quickly. I didn’t mind watching her walk away, though. I loved how the girl filled out a pair of jeans. She had more bounce in her step than most of the cheerleaders. Kylie was just plain…perky. She always seemed to be happy and smiling. I’d suspected Kylie was one of those rare people who was always fun to be around. Spending time with her these past few months had proven I wasn’t wrong.
She finally rounded the corner, slipping from my view. As I twisted back around, something crinkled beneath my foot. On the floor, directly where we’d been talking, was a pink
slip of paper. It looked suspiciously similar to the one that had been sticking out of Kylie’s notebook earlier today.
I swiped it off the floor as I cast another glance down the hallway. It was too late to call after her. I’d have to give it back to her later. I reflexively glanced at the page, assuming it was a recipe, but wanting to be sure it wasn’t something important. Something she might need immediately.
Senior Checklist.
I glanced down the hallway again, confirming that she was out of sight and that she hadn’t realized she dropped the paper and was coming back. The hallway was clearing out, most of us anxious to get out of here at the end of the day.
With no sign of Kylie, I leaned against my locker and glanced at the sheet in my hand again. I was expecting to see items like Choose date and time for graduation party. Or Tour college campus.
I did not expect to see the items that were actually listed.

Senior Checklist
1. Skinny dip (sort of)
2. Sneak out (but don’t get caught)
3. Prank someone (nothing destructive)
4. Go to a party (no drinking)
5. Kiss a boy (finally!)
6. Watch a sunset (so romantic)

If I’d had any idea her list was going to be so private, I wouldn’t have read it. But once I’d seen it, I couldn’t exactly un-see it.
So I read it again.

Amity lives in beautiful northern Minnesota with her two sons, two cats and their Rottweiler. She has a degree in elementary education and worked in that field for ten years before deciding to self-publish. Her first self-published novel, Twisted, was listed by Amazon as a Top 100 Kids & Teens Kindle Book of 2012. It hit Amazon's Teen & Young Adult Contemporary Romance Best Sellers List in several countries. Truths and Dares held the #1 position on Amazon's Best Sellers in Teen & Young Adult Contemporary Romance eBooks in the UK. If she's not writing or spending time with her boys, she's most likely reading.

Author Links:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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