Wednesday 23 May 2018

An amazing new world - Chase the Dark Review

Title: Chase the Dark
Series: Steel and Stone #1
Author: Annette Marie
My rating: 4 hearts
Genre: Young Adult, Fantasy, Romance
Pub. date: October 17th 2014
Publisher: Dark Owl Fantasy Inc.
SynopsisPiper Griffiths wants one thing in life: To become a Consul, a keeper of the peace between humans and daemons. There are three obstacles in her way.

The first is Lyre. Incubus. Hotter than hell and with a wicked streak to match. His greatest mission in life is to annoy the crap out of her, but he isn't as harmless as he seems. The second is Ash. Draconian. Powerful. Dangerous. He knows too much and reveals nothing. Also, disturbingly attractive — and scary. Did she mention scary?

The third is the Sahar Stone. Top secret magical weapon of mass destruction. Previously hidden in her Consulate until thieves broke in, went on a murder spree, and disappeared with the weapon.

And they left Piper to take the fall for their crimes.

Now she’s on the run, her dreams of becoming a Consul shattered and every daemon in the city gunning to kill her. She’s dead on her own, but there’s no one she can trust — no one except two entirely untrustworthy daemons ... See problems one and two. (synopsis from Goodreads)

I loved this book. The characters were awesome, the plot was original and the writing was great. My only complaint is that it didn’t last longer. Chase the Dark really was nothing like I’d expected, but I loved it anyway. In fact, I think what I got was even better than what I’d expected, which is really rare, because I’m very good at having too high expectations and getting disappointed.

Piper is totally badass!

You know how much I love the badass main characters that can take care themselves. Piper has a disadvantage towards others in her world; she can’t use magic. This gave her a bigger reason to learn to fight. She was fun to read about, and I really like her. I can’t wait to see how she’ll grow through the rest of the series!

I love Ash.

Mysterious, powerful, badass… What more can a girl ask for? Oh, yes, he can be sweet, too. I just need to get to know him better. Just swoon.

Lyre is just… so much fun.

I have a weak spot for sarcastic characters that you can always count on to make you laugh. And Lyre is just one of those characters that you can’t help but love. He’s just a nice guy (or, at least, for a daemon) and I just really like him. He just made this book so much more fun.

This world is really awesome!

The world that Marie introduces is different from anything I’ve ever read before, it’s interesting and original and it makes you want to know more, want to know everything. The fantasy in this book is amazing, the world-building just as great. The author dropped small pieces of information at the exact right time, not too much or too little, making it all feel very natural and impossible to put down. You just needed to know more about this amazing world!

The plot was amazing!

It was fast-paced, but not too fast-paced, and it was original and interesting. There was always something happening, some new revelation, and that made it impossible to put down! The only problem was that it ended way too soon (because I couldn’t put it down, mind you, but even so). 

Chase the Dark was nothing like I’d expected; it was even better. With a badass, independent main character, a mysterious, swoon-worthy love interest, a sarcastic, funny friend, and an amazing new world, it’ll keep you glued to the pages and leave you begging for more.

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