Tuesday 5 June 2018

Blogger of the Month: Bee from Quite the Novel Idea

Hey guys! I'm so excited to share this post with you all today, featuring one of my favourite book bloggers, Bee from Quite the Novel Idea. I've followed her blog for quite some time, and I love reading her posts, whether they're reviews or anything else. You guys should definitely check out the blog! Now, without further ado, let's check out my interview with her!
What book got you into reading as a habit? What about it made you want to continue reading
It's a Flemish book for kids! Roughly translated it's called The Dolphin Child by Belgian author Patrick Lagrou. It's about a kid born in a laguna in the Dominicans who has a special bond with dolphins. I just loved being sucked into the magic of the story. (I was very into dolphins at the time.) I became addicted to escaping into a world that seemed much better than what my reality was at the time. And that stayed with me. And I'm still glad my mom insisted I read the book myself instead of letting her do it. I had to write an essay on a book of choice and reaaally didn't feel like it. But then I did and discovered how fun reading is so I'm forever grateful to my mom. 

What do you like to do apart from reading? What things can you not live without?
I love watching movies and TV shows. As well as writing. I'm kind of a nerd, you know. I have been following all the movies in the Marvel Cinematic Universe since Iron Man first came out and I need to watch any Star Wars movie that comes out. Though I've never gotten into the TV show. I'm also a major Disney/Pixar fan! I have an undying love for animated movies for sure. 

What is a book/series that you would recommend everyone to read? (I know this is a tough one to pick, so feel free to pick a few!)
Oh my... I know this is usually a tough pick but for me it's pretty easy. You see, I can't shout anything else than my queen's name who I am absolute trash for: BECKY ALBERTALLI. Just read her books. Period. That is all.

What are your go-to authors when you want something you just know you're going to love? Whose books you automatically add to your TBR without even reading the synopsis? Why?
Again, Becky Albertalli for sure. But other authors that are featured on my author auto-buy list are: Victoria (V.E.) Schwab, Emma Mills, Julie Buxbaum, Leigh Bardugo, Jeff Zentner and Heather Demetrios. 

How do you pick which book to read next?
I'm a mood reader, but I do have a monthly TBR. I write down all the ARC's and review copies I really need to get to that month, but always leave some room to read books from my backlist. So that if I'm not in the mood for any of the books written down, I can just pick whatever books I'm in the mood for. And even then I sometimes don't know what to read. Oops? XD 

What made you want to start blogging?
*coughs* I could say something cliche or corny like that I wanted to be part of the community and stuff but the embarrassing truth is that it was a giveaway. I don't remember the blog's name but I was on Goodreads for a while then, not reviewing books yet, and I came across their blog and they were holding a giveaway. One of the entries was to make a post telling about the giveaway. Since I really wanted to win... I started up a quick blog on Blogger and made it my first ever post! I didn't win the giveaway but it did make me start blogging and reviewing. So I kind of won?

What was the hardest part of starting your blog? What is the hardest part of blogging right now?
Being consistent and keeping it up even if it seems like nobody is reading my posts. I'm very insecure so that gets to me a lot. Plus a lot has been changing in my life so it's been hard to keep making posts consistently. 

What is your favourite part about blogging?
Okay this time I am going to say something cliche. Despite all the drama that occasionally occurs, my favorite part is still the community and interacting with fellow booklovers. Growing up, I got bullied very heavily and I always thought I was alone in my love for books since at school they called me a freak and a weirdo because of it. But then I found Goodreads and the blogging community and it was like coming home. The friends I've made over the years have really saved my life, to be honest. 

What is your favourite kind of post? Why?
A discussion post! Because it encourages people to interact and discuss things and that's what I love to do!

Name some bloggers you'd love to meet in person!
Well, my co-bloggers for sure. But also definitely Cait @ Paper Fury, the girls @ Happy Indulgence, Shannon @ It Starts At Midnight, Inge @ Of Wonderland, and so many others!

What is your favourite quote? What do you love about it?
Ohhh now this is a tough one... but I'm going for a quote from one of my favorite books The Serpent King by Jeff Zentner because it's so true and beautiful:

"If you're going to live, you might as well do painful, brave, and beautiful things."

What advice would you give to someone who's just starting their blog?
Be yourself! That's the most important advice I can give you. Just be yourself, find your own voice. Don't compare yourself to other bloggers or try to copy their style. Find your own!

Thank you so much for answering my questions, Bee, and for participating in my feature!
Bee (born as Bieke) is 27 years old and from Belgium. (No she won't send waffles.) She's a strange, nerdy and anxious creature floating around somewhere on the ace spectrum. She writes about tragic queer boys under the name Nelly B. Jones. Or tries to anyway. You can also find her on the wonderful blog Novel Ink as a co-blogger to the amazing Madalyn.

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