Monday 25 June 2018

Sizzling and absolutely swoon-worthy - Moonlight Seduction ARC Review

*Disclaimer: I received an Advance Reader's Copy from the author for review consideration. This does in no way affect my opinion, and all thoughts expressed in this review are unbiased and my own.*

Title: Moonlight Seduction
Series: de Vincent #2
Author: Jennifer L. Armentrout
My rating: 4 hearts
Genre: Contemporary, Romance
Pub. date: June 26th 2018
Publisher: Avon
SynopsisThe de Vincent brothers are back—and so is the intrigue that surrounds them—in New York Times bestselling author Jennifer L. Armentrout’s sizzling new novel...

Nicolette Bresson never thought she’d return to the de Vincents’ bayou compound. It’s where her parents work, where Nikki grew up... and where she got her heart broken by Gabriel de Vincent himself. Yet here she is, filling in for her sick mother. Avoiding Gabe should be easy, especially when so much of Nikki’s time is spent trying not to be stabbed in the back by the malicious hangers-on who frequent the mansion. But escaping memories of Gabe, much less his smoking-hot presence, is harder than expected—especially since he seems determined to be in Nikki’s space as much as possible.

Gabriel spent years beating himself up over his last encounter with Nikki. He’d wanted her then, but for reasons that were bad for both of them. Things have now changed. Gabe sees more than a girl he’s known forever; he sees a smart, talented, and heartbreakingly beautiful woman... one who’s being stalked from the shadows. Now, Gabe will do anything to keep Nikki safe—and to stop the de Vincent curse from striking again. (synopsis from Goodreads)

By now, I should be used to how much I love all books by Jennifer L. Armentrout. I shouldn’t be this shocked, but still, I’m in shock each and every time. And Moonlight Seduction was no exception. I absolutely loved the first book, but this one was even better! I loved Gabe and Nikki, and it was just as creepy and mysterious as the first book. 

I loved the characters so much. Nikki was totally in love with Gabe when she was younger, and when she returns, years later, to help her parents, she’s determined to not fall back in love. Nikki is such a sweetheart, she’s really caring and snarky and fun and I absolutely adore her. Plus, she was totally relatable and interesting to read about. And Gabe… oh my God, Gabe. Sure, he can be a bit of an ass at times, and sometimes I wanted nothing more than to strangle him, but I also spent most of the book swooning over him. So far, Gabe is definitely my favourite de Vincent brother. After reading the first book, I was so excited to read Gabe’s story, and it was just as great as I’d expected.

The plot was creepy and mysterious, and really good. It’s not my typical genre, but it’s made me realize maybe I need to start reading more of it, because I’m loving the mystery in these books. It was suspenseful and the setting, the de Vincent mansion, only adds to the mood. And the de Vincent mansion really creeps me out like nothing else. Cursed or not (I’m still wondering, by the way, Jennifer, so if you could just let me know, that’d be great), it’s seriously creepy.

And the romance was absolutely sizzling. The chemistry between Nikki and Gabe is no joke, and the tension between them is tangible, and even though Nikki was in love with Gabe when they were younger, the romance really grew over time. But there was definitely tension from the start, and it was almost too much for my poor fangirl heart. 

Moonlight Seduction played on my emotions until the very last page, and I'm still trying to decide what I feel about everything. With a snarky main character, swoon-worthy love interest, suspenseful plot and absolutely sizzling romance, it’s a definite new must-read for any romance fan, but be prepared with quite a lot of free time, because once you start, you won’t be able to stop. 

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