Sunday 1 July 2018

Blog Tour: Drink Your Way Through Kiss of the Royal: Tea Edition

Hey guys! I'm really excited to share the blog tour for Kiss of the Royal with you guys today! It's a fun, romantic new fantasy novel by Lindsey Duga being released on July 3rd. I had so much fun reading it, it was unique and I loved Ivy, the feisty heroine, and Zach, the swoon-worthy love interest. Keep reading for my creative post (Drink Your Way Through Kiss of the Royal: Tea Edition), where I've picked out perfect teas to represent the characters, my review of the book and a giveaway!

Title: Kiss of the Royal
Author: Lindsey Duga
My rating: 5 hearts
Genre: Young Adult, Fantasy, Romance
Pub. date: July 3rd 2018
Publisher: Entangled Teen
SynopsisIn the war against the Forces of Darkness, the Royals are losing. Princess Ivy is determined to end this centuries-long conflict once and for all, so her new battle partner must succeed where the others failed. Prince Zach’s unparalleled skill with a sword, enhanced by Ivy’s magic Kiss, should make them an unstoppable pair—but try convincing Zach of that.

Prince Zach has spent his life preparing for battle, but he would rather be branded a heretic than use his lips as nothing more than a way to transfer magic. A kiss is a symbol of love, and love is the most powerful weapon they have—but try convincing Ivy of that.

With the fate of their world on the line, the battlefield has become a testing ground, and only one of them can be right. Falling for each other wasn’t part of the plan—but try convincing their hearts of that.

Book links:
Goodreads ** Amazon ** B&N ** Book Depository ** Kobo ** IndieBound ** iBooks

Drink Your Way Through Kiss of the Royal: Tea Edition

I'm a big tea lover, so picking out teas to represent the characters in Kiss of the Royal turned out to be a fun challenge. It took a while to figure out the perfect teas for each of the characters, but I'm happy with the ones I finally found. Without further ado, here they are!

Tea: Pomegranate, Raspberry & Strawberry (Twinings)
With the sharp flavour of the pomegranate, mixed with the sweetness or strawberries and the tart sweetness of raspberries, this tea is the perfect blend for Ivy. She’s fierce and feisty, but has a sweet side, just like this tea. Plus, Ivy loves strawberries, and while these may not be Myrianian strawberries, I think she’ll like it anyway. And with the exciting life she leads, some green tea would be perfect for her to unwind with after a long day of fighting.

Tea: Rose Green Tea (Kusmi Tea)
One of the things I loved about the book was that the guy was the romantic, while Ivy was against romance. Zach is definitely a romantic, and even though he’s a badass, he also has a sweet side, which is why this tea is perfect for him. With the sweet and floral scent of rose, this tea will make you think of rose gardens, and is perfect for a romantic. Plus, the rose petals in the tea is a nice touch.

Tea: Camomile & Spiced Apple (Twinings)
The delicate floral taste of camomile, mixed with the sweet taste of apple and just a hint of cinnamon is the perfect blend for Brom. Brom is that reliable, amazing friend that is just always there, just like camomile, and he’s a total sweetheart. But there’s more to him than that, a hidden strength – he’ll fight to protect those he cares about, hence the spice. This Camomile & Spiced Apple tea is the perfect mix of sweet and spicy, just like Brom.

When I first heard of this book, I was immediately interested. I mean, come on – a war against the Forces of Darkness, a magic Kiss and forbidden romance? Count me in. And I was not disappointed. Kiss of the Royal was filled to the brim with action, tension and romance. Plus, I can’t resist a hate-to-love story, and this was definitely it. 

I absolutely loved Ivy. She’s feisty, a total badass, but underneath the powerful fighter is a vulnerable, sweet girl. She’s caring and has a big heart, but she doesn’t believe in love. Zach is also an amazing fighter, but he does believe in love – and therefore a heretic. But despite the differences in their beliefs, Ivy and Zach are surprisingly similar to each other, I think. They both put their everything into fighting the Forces of Darkness, because of personal reasons. They both put up a façade to hide their true feelings. I loved them both. They were complex characters, and I liked unravelling all the different layers to them.

Then there’s the romance. As a hate-to-love story, there was plenty of tension. At first, they fight – all the time. They can barely be civil toward each other. But there’s also tons of attraction there – or Lust, as Ivy calls it – but the farther they get into their trip, the more they start to open up to each other. And while the romance was a bit cliché – like True Love’s Kiss – I didn’t mind it, because there was tension and it was an amazing love story. 

The plot and world-building was great. It was well-paced and original, and lots of fun to read. And the plot twists… wow. They came out of nowhere and left me reeling. The world-building was also great, and totally original. At first, I wasn’t totally convinced with how many Royals there were (there were so many!), but it turned out to be really cool. All of it was just really fun, and original, and a world perfect for every fantasy fan.

Kiss of the Royal was the perfect fantasy – it was fresh and new, fun and exciting, filled with clichés but still original. With a fierce and feisty heroine, tension-filled romance and an exciting plot, it’s a new favourite of mine, and a must-read for every fantasy reader. 

Lindsey Duga is a middle grade and young adult writer with a passion for fantasy, science fiction, and basically any genre that takes you away from the real world. She wrote her first novel in college while she was getting her bachelor’s in Mass Communication from Louisiana State University.

Other than writing and cuddling with her morkie puppy, Delphi, Lindsey loves catching up on the latest superhero TV show and practicing yoga.

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Tour Schedule

June 25th

Pink Polka Dot Books- Welcome Post

June 26th

Book Slaying- Review & Favorite Quotes
The Clever Reader- Q&A

June 27th

June 28th

Flyleaf Chronicles- Review
Velvet Spade Reads- Review & Favorite Quotes

June 29th

June 30th

Jill’s Book Blog- Review
Sincerely Karen Jo- Review & Favorite Quotes

July 1st

The Reading Faery- Creative Option
Donnie Darko Girl- Review

July 2nd

Vicarious Bookworm- Review & Favorite Quotes
The Lovely Books- Review

July 3rd

BookCrushin- Creative Option
Rattle the Stars- Guest Post

July 4th

July 5th

The Bibliophagist- Review & Favorite Quotes

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