Wednesday 17 April 2019

Blog Tour + Review: Needing to Love You by Erin Rylie

I'm so excited to share the blog tour for Needing to Love You by Erin Rylie with you all today! It's a Contemporary Romance, the second book in Houston's Finest, and it's honestly an amazing book. Keep reading for my review and some teasers! 

Needing to Love You
by Erin Rylie
My rating: 4 hearts
Series: Houston's Finest #2
Publisher: KDP
Publication date: April 12, 2019
Genre: Contemporary, Romance


Carlos Ramirez has always prided himself on two things: being damn good at his job on the Houston police force and being able to land any woman he wants. When a devastating car accident leaves him crippled and in excruciating pain, he begins to rely too heavily on his prescription painkillers. The only person who can help him heal is the only woman who has ever rejected him—and on more than one occasion. Living with Kelsey while he works through physical therapy wasn’t anything he ever expected to happen, but it might just be what he needs.

After a divorce that left her doubting her ability to love, Kelsey Byrne wants nothing to do with relationships. Unfortunately for her, the only man she could see herself loving needs a place to live and help while he recovers. She had a hard time pushing him away after a one-night stand, so how can she possibly keep him at arm’s length when he’s in her house every day, playing with her son, cooking her meals, and leaving her cute notes every morning? Carlos may be working his way into her heart one sweet gesture at a time, but can she give him everything knowing that she’s more than a little broken inside?

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I really liked this one. I’ve been in a bit of a reading slump lately, haven’t been able to really get into any book, but when this one appeared on my Kindle, I decided to put all the other books aside and read this one, because I finished the first book in one day and loved it. I hoped it would be able to get me out of my slump – and it did. I finished it in one sitting, and I loved it so much. 

I really loved Kelsey. She was relatable, and fun to read about, and realistic. Especially the way she starts spouting random facts when she’s nervous was really relatable, and I loved it. And I love the relationship she has with her friends. I loved the friendship in the first book, and just as much in this one. I especially love the character development she went through. It was really great to follow, and I love her. 

I was intrigued by Carlos in the first book. He was so outgoing and funny, and I was really interested to get to know him better. And I love him so much. There were times when I really wanted to hit him upside the head because he was being an idiot, but he also went through quite a lot of character development, so I forgive him. And he’s so freaking sweet. 

The romance was great. It’s obvious from the start that there’s a ton of chemistry between Kelsey and Carlos, but the romance still built slowly. And when they finally got together, they were such a cute couple. And this one thing closer to the end – I won’t say what it is to avoid spoilers – but I seriously swooned so much. I might’ve even cried a little because of all the swoon.

The plot was good. It was well-paced and interesting, which kept me hooked from start to end. And the writing is great. Rylie has this ability to with her writing make characters come to life and make the book feel so real, which makes it very easy to get lost in her books. It also helps make it more relatable. She just writes in such a way that it all feels real.

I have to say something about the ending – the epilogue. It didn’t exactly come as a shock (it was pretty obvious earlier in the book that it was coming to that), but it was great, and showed a little what’s coming in the next book, and I can’t wait for Becky’s story.

Needing to Love Youis such a sweet, romantic story full of swoon. The highlight was the characters, which really pop off the page, partially because of incredible, real writing that sucks you in from the start.

I'm a Montana born, Texas raised New Jersey transplant with a degree in hospitality. At 29 years old, I decided it was finally time for me to pursue my real passion in life - writing. I've been writing princess stories and LOTR fan-fiction since I was in middle school, so the transition into romance has been fun! 

When I'm not writing, I'm reading (fantasy, sci-fi and romance are my genres) or working. I'm currently obsessed with Brooklyn Nine Nine which should tell you all you need to know about my sense of humor. 

Finally, I am 100% an old cat lady. My cats Socks and Kaz are little weirdos and I love them more than most people.

Connect with Erin: 

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