Monday 14 October 2019

Suspenseful, intense & complex - Hexen's Binding ARC Review

Hexen's Binding (Hexen's Cross #2)
by J. Kowallis
My rating: 5 hearts
Publication date: September 23, 2019
Genre: New Adult, Fantasy


Bryden changed everything. History that once was, is no longer. And life doesn't exist as it once did. Hellia lurks in the shadows between worlds, but the specter of the once-powerful hexen is the least of Taran Grim's worries. Something happened that day in Bryden. Something Taran failed to see. And Coll might be the one paying the price.

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Hexen’s Cross was the book I’ve been waiting for since I was a kid. Hexen’s Binding delved deeper into this intriguing world, and I loved every moment of it. Kowallis impresses with complex world-building and layered characters. It was every bit as impressive as the first book. 

One of my favourite things about the first book was that the characters were really layered, which made them very interesting to read about. In this book, you get to know your beloved characters better, but you also meet some new, very intriguing characters. And all the characters have their own stories, even if you don’t learn them all, which I especially loved about this book. And I loved getting to know Taran better, and seeing her grow through this book... I didn’t think it was possible to love her more than I did in the first book, but I do.

The romance was... intense. That’s the only word I can find to describe it. I honestly don’t really know what to say about it without giving away the entire plot, so I guess you’ll just have to read it yourself *winks*. What I can say is that you should be prepared for all the feels. It’s an emotional roller-coaster.

I’ve already said this about this series, but it’s worth mentioning again; the world-building is incredible. In the first book, you’re introduced to this really intriguing world of witches, or hexens, and in the second book, you get to delve deeper into the magic and intrigue, and you learn just how complex the world-building is. I’ve got to say, I was really impressed by the intricate world-building. 

The plot was pretty slow, as in there wasn’t much action, but Kowallis made up for it in suspense. Usually I prefer fantasy books to be fast-paced and filled with action, but in rare cases, a suspenseful, slower plot can be just as amazing. Hexen’s Binding is a perfect example of how to make a slow plot suspenseful enough that it will keep the reader on their toes anyway. 

Hexen’s Binding is exactly what I’m looking for in a good fantasy book; it’s suspenseful, it’s intense, and it’s complex. I would recommend it to anyone looking for a good witchy read, but also anyone who is interested in mythology, because Kowallis’ take on the Germanic folklore is fresh and irresistible. 

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