Sunday 2 August 2020

A-spec August

Hi guys! Yesterday was August 1st, which means A-spec August, hosted by Imi and Ellie from Beyond a Bookshelf, has officially started. I will be participating, and reading as many a-spec books as I can find, and I hope you guys will join me. 

The term a-spec includes anyone from the asexual and aromantic spectrum. This includes, but is not limited to, demisexuals, demiromantics, and grey-asexuals. Being on the a-spec means that you do not experience attraction (sexual and/or romantic) or you experience it very rarely, as is the case with demisexuals, demiromantics and grey-asexuals. 

I will include my very tentative TBR for A-spec August below, most of which have been warmly recommended, so if you want to participate, you can check those out. I will also make a post later this month with a-spec recommendations. However, if you want a proper list with a-spec recommendations, I would recommend checking out Imi and Ellie's A-spec Masterlist. There are a lot of recommendations there.

Without further ado, here are the a-spec books I hope to read this month! You can click the book titles to get to the books' Goodreads page.

I will probably end up reading only a few of them, and a bunch of other a-spec books, because I never follow my TBRs, but these are a few I've been interested in for a while, so I hope I'll get to some of them this month. 

Are any of you participating in A-spec August? If so, what books are on your TBR? Are there any other a-spec books that need to be on my TBR?

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