Friday 9 March 2018

Blogger of the Month: Elise from A Book and a Cup

Hey guys! I'm so excited to introduce this month's Blogger of a Month, Elise from A Book and a Cup. Elise is such a lovely, sweet girl, and I love her blog! She's funny, and I love reading her reviews, they're just so awesome! And I love that her blog is in both French and English. Now, without further ado, let's check out this awesome interview I did with Elise.

What book got you into reading as a habit? What about it made you want to continue reading? 
Well actually, I have been reading since I learned how to. It is not one book in particular, it is just books in general. Reading the words of others, discovering new worlds, characters to love and hate. Even if the short stories I was reading as a child, just the act of reading does it for me. So when I had started, I never stopped!

What do you like to do apart from reading? What things can you not live without? 
I love to drink tea, does that count haha? I also watch way too many TV shows and have a bullet journal! I have way too many creative envies, but I don't put them into reality enough!

What is a book/series that you would recommend everyone to read? (I know this is a tough one to pick, so feel free to pick a few!) 
Well Harry Potter of course, always and forever! Then... anything by Leigh Bardugo needs to be read: Six of Crows and the Language of Thorns especially. The Percy Jackson (even if you are old like me), just for the characters and the way Rick Riordan twisted Greek Mythology. And also, Neil Gaiman, one of my favorite author!

What are your go-to authors when you want something you just know you're going to love? Whose books you automatically add to your TBR without even reading the synopsis? Why? 
Like I said above, Neil Gaiman and Leigh Bardugo. I would also add Sarah J Maas to that list!

How do you pick which book to read next? 
Usually, I follow my envy and where my heart leads me. If I have ARC I will try to read them first, as well as if I have new releases :)

What made you want to start blogging? 
Like many others, I wanted to share my passion for books, talk about them with people who would understand how important they are!

What was the hardest part of starting your blog? What is the hardest part of blogging right now? 
It was and is still the same thing: finding my style, having nice aesthetics that makes people want to see more of what I do :)

What is your favourite part about blogging? 
Replying to comments! Because it means talking about books :)

What is your favourite kind of post? Why? 
I think it is top 10, because I love lists hehe

Name some bloggers you'd love to meet in person! 

What is your favourite quote? What do you love about it? 
There are so many I really can't pick one!! I collect quotes you know?? I'm gonna give you one from The Language of Thorns ok? "Love speaks in flowers. Truth requires thorns."

What advice would you give to someone who's just starting their blog? 
Be yourself! I know it's silly and classic but really, you want people to like your blog for who you are and what makes what you do personal ;)

Thanks so much for answering my questions, Elise! Now, keep reading to learn more about Elise and for all her links!

As you might have guessed, I am not a real dragon, but a bookdragon first of all, who hoards books like other gold. In real life, my name is Elise, I’m 25 and live in MontrĂ©al. Other than books and tea, I am watching way too many TV shows (name one, I probably tried it at least), that I might share with you time to time when emotions are too intense.

My other pleasures in life: chocolate (milky one please!), snow, Christmas (and Christmas dinner), candles, fairy tales and my faithful Teddy bear!


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