Wednesday 7 March 2018

Why New Adult + Giveaway

Hey guys! So, this month, I'm doing a theme month, which I'm really excited about! A few years ago, I started reading New Adult, and fell in love with it immediately. And since, I've only fallen more and more in love with it. But recently, I've started noticing that not a lot of people really read NA, so I decided I wanted to do something to bring more attention to the genre, and that's how I came up with this little blog event. So the month of March will be filled with themed posts, reviews, interviews, discussion posts, and more, not to mention a giveaway of one of my all-time favorite New Adult books!

Now, to kick this event off, I have a post about all the reasons why you should give New Adult a try, and hopefully convince some of you to try the genre. And if you're already in love with NA, look at it as an introduction to this month of fun! (Too much? Yes? Sorry about that.) And keep reading for the giveaway, that will last the entire month!

Before I start, I would like to say that everything I say in this post is about YA and NA in general, there are of course books that are exceptions to the things I say – and I still love YA.

For starters, the characters are a bit more mature than in Young Adult books. Sometimes, I find characters in YA to be a bit annoying and naïve, but that’s not a problem in NA. The characters are more mature, and while they make mistakes, it’s not as obvious as in YA books. You don’t get the feeling that the characters are making rash decisions without thinking anything through.

The second reason is that the characters are relatable to most people. The things they go through, the problems they struggle with, are things many people have been through sometime, in some manner at least. Just like with YA, many of the issues are universal, so most people can relate.

Lastly, and this is something I think not all people will like, but NA books can deal with more serious themes. While YA has to be kept pretty clean, NA deals with more serious themes, that I really like. The first NA series I read dealt with themes like rape and domestic abuse, which is something I haven’t seen in YA (but if you have, feel free to recommend them to me). So if you’re looking for something a little more serious and heavier, then I’d definitely recommend checking out a few New Adult titles, because the ones I’ve read have dealt with these issues very well.

And that was it for today! Did I manage to convince you to try New Adult? Are you still not convinced? Or do you already read NA? If so, what are your favorite things about the genre? Tell me in the comments!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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