Friday 6 July 2018

A dark and twisty story - The Goblin's Daughter ARC Review

*Disclaimer: I received an Advance Reader's Copy from the author for review consideration. This in no way affects my opinion, and all thoughts expressed in this review are unbiased and my own.*

Title: The Goblin's Daughter
Author: M.K. Sawyer
My rating: 4 hearts
Genre: New Adult, Fantasy
Pub. date: June 30th 2018
Synopsisthe forest beckons

the Shadow watches

Nolin doesn’t know why her mother is terrified of the forest— only that is has something to do with her, a cold night, a baby crib, and an open window.

Throughout her life, Nolin struggles to gain the love of her crazed mother, all while grappling with recurring dreams of a twisted, ancient tree, and the perpetual feeling that she’s being watched by a dark presence in the surrounding forest.

After a childhood mental breakdown, Nolin returns to her hometown as a grown woman, ready to face her mother to put old demons to rest. When Nolin stumbles across disturbing details of her mother’s past, she ventures deeper into the mystery of her own identity, the related causes of her mother’s illness, and learns of violent, ancient creatures who live in the woods. . . (synopsis from Goodreads)
When I first heard about this book, I was really intrigued. It sounded really interesting and original, with a bit mystery to it. And it was interesting and original, with a bit mystery to it, but it was so much more. It was fun, but at the same time dark. It was mysterious, and filled with plot twists I didn’t see coming. It was heart-breaking, and romantic. It had so many layers to it, and I loved unravelling them as I read. I’d think I had it all figured out, but in the end, I was so wrong.

I liked Nolin. She was an interesting character to read about, because she was just so layered. On one hand, she was super smart and an avid reader. On the other hand, she was protective of the ones she loved and she wasn’t afraid of getting into fights. But she was so caring and despite her horrible childhood had the biggest heart, and it made me love her so much. It also made my heart hurt reading about everything she had to go through. And she was so relatable – the way she felt like she never fit in, it hurt to read about, because I related so much to it.

The romance was really sweet. If Nolin feeling like she didn’t fit in anywhere broke my heart, then Drew’s complete acceptance of her healed it again. It was slow-burn, friends-to-lovers, both which I can’t resist, but that wasn’t what I loved about it. What I loved was how much he really cared about her, not in spite of her differences, but because of them. Actually, can I just get a Drew of my own? Who cares about sarcastic bad boys anymore? I want more Drews.

The plot was amazing! It was very unique, which is so important for me when reading a book, and it was mysterious. The mystery of it only added to the dark vibe of the plot, which I loved, and the plot twists! They left me reeling, doubting everything I thought I knew. I loved it!

The Goblin’s Daughter ended up being so much better than I’d expected. The main character was layered and relatable, and the romance was really sweet. And the plot was amazing! I’d definitely recommend it to any fantasy lover. The Goblin’s Daughter is a dark and twisty fantasy read, with just a touch of romance to add to the tension.

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