Monday 9 July 2018

Blogger of the Month: Alanna from One Page at a Time

Hey guys! I'm so excited to feature Alanna from One Page At a Time this month as my Blogger of the Month! I first found her on Instagram (she has the most beautiful bookstagram page, I swear), and I've been following her blog for a while now. So when she said yes to doing this feature, I was so excited! Without further ado, let's check out my interview with her!

What book got you into reading as a habit? What about it made you want to continue reading?I have always been a reader - before I could even read, my parents would read Harry Potter, The Hobbit or Lord of the Rings to me as bedtime stories, So I suppose you could say it all started there - with the habit of reading before bed. Having my parents read with me fostered this love of reading that has never truly gone away. Nor do I expect that it will! There’s something really special that grows out of those shared moments, and it instills this lifelong pursuit of reading.  

What do you like to do apart from reading? What things can you not live without?Apart from reading, I really enjoy photography! I wouldn’t call myself a professional, but casual photography has always been something that I’ve really enjoyed. From the time I got my first little digital camera, to when I was gifted my Canon Rebel, and with my phone camera, I’ve always enjoyed capturing the moments around me. I really couldn’t “live” without my camera!

What is a book/series that you would recommend everyone to read? (I know this is a tough one to pick, so feel free to pick a few!)In the interest of staying away from those series that nearly everyone seems to have read (think Throne of Glass, A Court of Thorns and Roses, Six of Crows, etc.) I would really recommend The Seven Realms series by Cinda Williams Chima. It is a totally underrated Young Adult Fantasy series that does not get enough attention for how magnificent the writing and content is!

What are your go-to authors when you want something you just know you're going to love? Whose books you automatically add to your TBR without even reading the synopsis? Why?I have quite a few go to authors, including Sarah J Maas, Jay Kristoff, Leigh Bardugo, Cinda Williams Chima, and Tamora Pierce! Tamora Pierce has been a go-to author for me since I was in middle school - my father bought me Alanna: The First Adventure (which is the first book in The Song of the Lioness Quartet), since the main character and I shared a name. After reading it, I quickly fell in love with the rest of the series, then eventually the rest of Pierce’s work, including her most recent book, Tempests and Slaughter.

How do you pick which book to read next?I try to pick my next book based on what has been in my To Be Read Box the longest (emphasis on try!). Realistically, I often pick the book in my To Be Read box that I am most excited to read, and if there isn’t a standout book, then I pick whichever book has been in my To Be Read Box the longest!

(PS. My To Be Read Box is an adorable little box I bought that holds about 6-7 books. I am only “allowed” to buy a new book if there’s room for it in the To Be Read Box! You can see this box featured in a lot of my photos on Bookstagram!)

What made you want to start blogging?I was inspired to start blogging after I read A Court of Mist and Fury by Sarah J Maas. After finishing the book, I was in need of a community to share my emotions, thoughts, and opinions with - more so than I ever had been before. So I started One Page At A Time Books, and never looked back!

What was the hardest part of starting your blog? What is the hardest part of blogging right now?The hardest part of starting my blog was getting back into a more creative style of writing. Throughout high school I had been a huge writer, from English class to writing my own fanfics and short stories. But when I started university the only time I had for writing was purely academic, which is a completely different style of writing than blogging!

The hardest part of blogging right now is finding the time to get my thoughts “down on paper”. The last few months have been an overwhelming whirlwind of activity, from my last term of university, to starting work, to teaching placements and graduation. It’s difficult to find the time to sit down and write!

What is your favourite part about blogging?Honestly, my favourite part of blogging is the community. After a new blog post goes live, I am always so excited to see people’s comments! I don’t have a ton of people in my life to share my love of reading with, so this community has become a kind of sanctuary for me to share my passion.

What is your favourite kind of post? Why?While the majority of my posts are book reviews, I honestly love creating my monthly Reading Lists! These are so much fun to create, and I often spend hours searching through booksellers and Goodreads to compile the perfect monthly list of books!

Name some bloggers you'd love to meet in person!I would absolutely love to meet more of my fellow Canadian Bookstagrammers and Book Bloggers in person! Canada is a big place, but I hope that one day we’ll end up at the same event or bookstore! You can check out some of my favourite fellow Bookstagrammers/Bloggers on Instagram:

What is your favourite quote? What do you love about it?My favourite quote (currently) is by Mason Cooley - “Reading gives us a place to go when we have to stay where we are”. For such a simple quote, it speaks volumes about the power of books, and stories in general, and their ability to provide readers of all ages from all backgrounds the ability to escape their reality, if only for a little while.

What advice would you give to someone who's just starting their blog?Don’t give up! Your blog likely won’t become a bustling centre of activity overnight - and that’s okay! If you keep blogging about when you love, and sharing your passion through your chosen platform, you’ll eventually find your people and your community!

Ask anyone who knows me, even a little bit, and they’ll probably tell you about my overflowing shelves of books, my obsession with just about any book store I come across, and the fact that 9/10 when they show up to my house, I have my nose in a book. Reading has always been a passion for me, and I often wish I had more people to share with, and talk to, about books. Which is how this blog came to be, I suppose.

Follow Alanna:

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